Saturday, June 30, 2012

5 Signs You've Had Too Much Caffeine

You may love caffeine’s feel-good effects, but overdosing can harm your physical and mental health. Here’s how to tell if you’re overdoing it

You know you’re a caffeine addict when your eyes won’t open before you’ve taken your first sip of morning Joe, or if your co-workers call you “Crabby” when you skip your afternoon Diet Coke. While the best part of waking up may indeed be Folgers in your cup, being over-caffeinated may also be harmful. “Studies have found that some caffeine can improve mental acuity and performance throughout the day, but too much caffeine can negatively impact your mood, energy, and even health,” says Erin Palinski, RD, CDE, CPT, who has a private practice in New Jersey.
 Enjoying a latte probably won’t hurt you, and may even have surprising health benefits such as lowering your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Just keep in mind that—as with most delicious things in life—it is possible to have too much of a good thing.
“Some research has linked high doses of coffee to infertility and increased risk of hip fractures in older women,” says Keri M. Gans, MS, RD, CDN and author of The Small Change Diet. “If you stop drinking coffee abruptly, you may experience irritability, fatigue, headaches, and even depression.”
 So how much caffeine is too much? The American Dietetic Association recommends having no more than 300 mg a day, or the amount in about two or three 8-ounce cups of coffee. Even if you’re not a java lover, you may be getting caffeine from sneaky sources unknowingly: Sports drinks, supplements, and even certain medications contain caffeine.  
Sneaky sources of caffeine include: 2 tablets Excedrin for headaches; 130 mg
Vital Energy water; 150 mg
 16-ounce Snapple ice tea; 42 mg
 1 cup Ben & Jerry’s No Fat Fudge Frozen Yogurt; 85 mg
1 cup Dannon Coffee Yogurt; 45 mg
Barq’s Root Beer; 22 mg
 Hershey’s chocolate bar, 12 mg
For perspective, one 8-ounce cup of coffee can have anywhere from 125 to 150 mg.
While caffeine’s effects may be different for different people, here are some common warning signs that you may have overdosed
Here are 5 signs s you are getting  too much: Sneaky sources of caffeine include:
• 5 Signs You've Had Too Much Caffeine
• 1. You hit an afternoon slump.
• 2. You’re peeing orange.
• 3. You can’t sleep.
• 4. You feel anxious.
• 5. You have heartburn.
Moderation is Key!!
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