Fight for your right to be Fit!

Many people sometime feel that they are unable to exercise for many reasons: can’t afford a gym, no safe place to walk, limited t room. And we are sure there are many more reasons that seem to be barriers. But lets focus on what we CAN do with the resources we have.
Well, being fit is a right and we have 20 suggestions to empower you to burn 100 calories. Remember this: Goals are wishes with action plans….What will be your first action step to Fight for your Right to Be Fit!!
1. Vacuuming -- 25 minutes of vacuuming around your home will burn just about 100 calories.
2. Gardening -- Like to garden? It's the digging and raking that will reap the most fitness benefits. These are the bigger calorie burners when it comes to gardening. In fact, you can burn up to 100 in just 15 minutes with these movements.
3. Walking -- The easiest and one of the most natural movements known to human beings. Fifteen minutes of brisk walking will burn approximately 100 calories. A brisk daily walk at lunch time or after work will make a difference.
4. Jogging in place -- Need a quick pick me up before work? Jog in place for 12 minutes and burn a little more than 100 calories.
5. Dancing -- 20 minutes of dancing at a moderate pace will burn 100 calories. C'mon, you know you love to do it, so have some fun with it.
6. Ironing clothes -- If you have to do it for the whole family you might as well know the calories you're burning. Just a bit more than 100 calories in 25 minutes.
7. Shadow box during commercials when watching TV for one hour.
8. Housework -- Vigorous housework for 20 minutes will burn a little more than 100 calories. You have to do it, so why not make it count?
9. Volleyball -- Twelve minutes of volleyball is all it takes to reach our magic number. Not a bad way to burn some calories while on the beach.
10. Biking -- How about a light bike ride? A light intensity of approximately 10 mph will burn more than 100 calories in just 40 minutes.
11. Shooting a basketball -- Just 20 minutes of shooting by yourself will burn 100 calories.
12. Swimming -- I'm not referring to swimming laps or training for the Olympics. Just a 15-minute leisurely swim will get us to our goal.
13. High-impact aerobics -- You might wonder why I would include this. It's not like you're going to aerobic class for 10 minutes. However, if you're pressed for time or working long hours, invest in a fun aerobic videotape and use it for 10 minutes (after a warm-up) each day. That's close to 120 calories in just 10 minutes.
15. Frisbee -- A fun 30-minute Frisbee toss with your kids or a friend will burn up our needed calories, and it's a bit more pleasurable than a boring jaunt on the treadmill.
16. Take the stairs -- If you work in an office building, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Approximately 20 minutes will burn about 100 calories. You don't have to do it all at one time. Just make sure to spread it out during the day.
17. Pushing baby stroller -- Pushing a stroller burns approximately 60 calories in 20 minutes. No problem, two nice and easy 20-minute strolls per day will get the job done without even breaking a sweat.
18. Mowing the lawn (self-propelled mower) -- 25 minutes and you've burned about 100 calories. Just like cleaning, it needs to be done so put a little oomph into it.
19. Painting -- Need to paint a room in your home or apartment? You can burn approximately 100 calories with 20 minutes of painting. Plus, you get a better-looking room at the same time.
20. Weight training -- 15 minutes of vigorous weight training will burn approximately 100 calories. You don't have to workout forever. Just three 15 to 20 minute sessions per week will keep your bones strong, muscles tight -- and you'll keep burning calories after your workout.