Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Alcohol Abuse and Dependence - What Increases Your Risk

People don't drink to become alcoholic. And many people drink alcohol throughout their lives without a problem. Why do some people abuse alcohol and become dependent on it, while others don't?
Certain things make an alcohol problem more likely. These are called risk factors.
Risk factors include:2
  • Genes. People with alcohol problems often have a family history of alcohol abuse and dependence.
  • Being male. A man is 3 times more likely to develop problems with alcohol than a woman is.
  • Early use. The younger you were when you first started drinking alcohol, the higher your risk for developing alcohol problems later as an adult.
  • Mental health. If you have mental health problems, such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or anxiety disorders, you are more likely to use alcohol.
  • Use of other substances. You are more likely to abuse alcohol if you abuse other things, such as tobacco, illegal drugs, or prescription medicines.
  • Environment. If you live in an area where alcohol is easy to get, people drink a lot, or heavy drinking is accepted as part of life, you are more likely to drink.
  • Friends. Your friends may influence you to drink by directly urging you to or by drinking when you're around them.
  • Problems with others. You may be more likely to drink when you are having problems in your family or with friends.
  • Not having purpose or satisfaction in your life. If you have no activities that give you a sense of purpose, you may be more likely to drink.
Just because you have risk factors for alcohol problems doesn't mean you'll have a drinking problem. A person with many risk factors won't always develop alcoholism. And a person with no risk factors can become dependent on alcohol.  GET HELP, GET HEALTHY!
 More Info and 800 number;

1 comment:

  1. Counselling Sydney is a leading alcoholism drug addiction recovery rehab treatment center. We have the one-on-one care your loved-one needs. We only work with men over 18 who can speak English. Your loved-one can experience permanent recovery, one day at a time. It will not be easy. But he will enjoy the experience of being in recovery. If he doesn’t enjoy recovery, he will drink or use again. We hear belly laughs at our retreat center from men who have not had more than a chuckle in ten years. We have a saying here: “Laughter is the sound of recovery."
