Poor communication is one of the biggest causes of stress
Key Points
- Assertive communication means speaking up for yourself in a thoughtful, tactful way. Being assertive helps you express yourself about things that matter to you. This reduces stress by helping you feel more in control of a situation.
- Assertive communication can strengthen your relationships, reducing stress from conflict and providing you with social support when facing difficult times. A polite but assertive ‘no’ to excessive requests from others will enable you to avoid overloading your schedule and promote balance in your life. Assertive communication can also help you handle difficult family, friends and co-workers more easily, reducing drama and stress.
- Make sure your body reflects confidence: stand up straight, look people in the eye, and relax.
- Use a firm, but pleasant, tone.
- Don’t assume you know what the other person’s motives are, especially if you think they’re negative.
- When in a discussion, don’t forget to listen and ask questions! It’s important to understand the other person’s point of view as well.
- Try to think win-win: see if you can find a compromise or a way for you both get your needs met.
- Clarify....Make sure you leave having accomplished all parties being "in the know".
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