The Importance Of Live food, Vs Dead
Simply put
and explained by Raymond Francis;
Live food promote life,
Dead food
promotes disease.

Dead foods
Live Foods
Nutrition Differences Between Living Food and Dead Food
Food is food, right? Well, unless
you've been hiding in a well stocked fallout shelter for a couple of
decades, you no doubt have seen countless news reports telling you
what's good and what's bad when it comes to food. One aspect of food
that is sometimes implied by such reports—but never specified or
explored—is the difference between dead food and living food.
Before we explain the difference
between the two, you may be wondering why you should care. The answer is
simple: nutrient value and the health of your body. Living
foods—especially fresh, raw foods—are more nutritious because they still
have all of their vitamins, minerals, and enzymes (which the body needs
to help you

properly digest and metabolize food). These nutrients in food typically
get clobbered during the processing, cooking, and packaging that dead
food goes through. In the most egregious categories of dead foods—those
that have refined flour and added sugar—they may actually suck stored
vitamins out of your body as your system tries to metabolize them.
Now, back to dividing up our
comestibles into the living food and dead food categories. Generally, if
a food spoils quickly, it's a living food. Fresh fruits and vegetable
fall into this category, as do milk and cheese, freshly made baked
potatoes and potato dishes, and freshly baked breads. If a product is
more resistant to spoilage than a Teflon-coated nacho chip, it's dead
food. But in some cases, just using the spoil-o-meter test to determine
whether an item is a living food or dead food is too simplistic. For
instance, grains, if properly stored, can be milled or sprouted many
years later to make high-quality living food. Similarly, nature has
designed raw nuts and seeds—for example, hazelnuts, almonds, and
sunflower seeds—to be fairly resistant to spoilage, and they too are
excellent living food.
Several categories of food deserve special mention:
- Meat and Fish – Some would
argue that the flesh of dead animals by definition cannot be living
food. Those who can stick to a vegetarian diet do accrue certain health
benefits from it and are to be commended for choosing a "food lifestyle"
that is healthy, animal friendly, and environmentally friendly. But
those interested in the living food concept should not feel they have to
go vegetarian to begin adopting a living food diet.
- Processed Food – The
rule here is easy: The more milled, cooked, and dried-out a product is,
the deader it is. Items that fall into the crispy/crunchy category are
particularly dead.
Raw Food
– Raw vegetables, fresh fruit, unroasted nuts and seeds, and sprouted
grains, beans, and legumes are at the top of the living food pyramid.
They are packed with vitamins and enzymes, all perfectly intact because
the food is fresh and unaltered by heat, processing, or containerized
- Cooked Food –
Living-food purists will argue that cooking greatly reduces the nutrient
value of all food and creates new compounds within the food that are
inimical to health. In an interview on,
author David Wolfe asserts, "You cannot revitalize [your body's] living
cells with dead food." We do agree that raw food is superior in terms
of active vitamin, mineral, and enzyme content. But, as with meat, we're
going to suggest that you not let the perfect be the enemy of the good;
that you can get plenty of benefit by increasing the amount of fresh,
uncooked food in your diet without feeling that you have to go 100% raw.
So, those are the general rules for determining what is living food vs. dead food. Here are some specific examples:
Potato |
Potato chips |
Wheat bread |
Wheat crackers |
Beef |
Beef jerky |
Fresh fruit |
Fruit rollups |
Fresh vegetables |
Vegetable chips |
Toast* |
Melba toast |
Oatmeal** |
Boxed cereal |
Peanuts |
Peanut brittle |
* Living, but less so than the original bread **
Oatmeal is not a perfect living food—you'd have to make your cereal
from oat groats to achieve that—but it's far better than the crispy,
crunchy, sugary, highly heated, desert-dry oat cereal you get out of a
box. |
In some cases, how a food item was
made determines whether it's living or dead. For instance, juices are
tricky because there are so many ways to make juice and related
Freshly squeezed juice –
Fresh juices from vegetables and fruits are very much living food. They
usually qualify as "super foods"—the tippy top of the nutrient-dense
living food pyramid.
Juice from a carton, bottle or can
– This is a big step down from freshly pressed juice (or from just
eating the raw fruits and vegetables themselves). Processing, heat,
storage, and exposure to sunlight all take their toll on vitamin and

content. Bottled and canned juices that are 100% juice aren't
particularly bad to consume; they just aren't anywhere near as good as
fresh-pressed juices.
Juice drinks – Any
beverage that contains only 10% juice, with the rest being water and
sweetener, has 9 of its 10 toes in the dead-food category.
Flavored soft drinks – These are dead, dead, dead. A smattering of "natural flavors" does not save these products from being considered dead food.
To get the maximum punch of the
vitamins, minerals and enzymes your body needs to run well, stick with
raw, living food as much as possible. Living food is not only better for
you than dead food, it's better for the environment too. When you buy

living food, you eliminate the energy, raw materials, and waste
products associated with processing the food and storing it in cans,
bottles, boxes, and shrink wrap. And the more raw food you eat, the less
energy you use for cooking.
We do
have to admit that unless you're in monk training, it's going to be
pretty hard to get completely away from dead food. But there are plenty
of times when choosing living food is plenty convenient—even if it's not
quite as fun. Sometimes it's just a matter of better planning; for
instance, consider keeping a bag of natural trail mix in your desk
drawer rather than a bag of chips.
Take an
inventory today…how much of your diet is ‘live” don’t be alarmed but do make
efforts to implement
live foods often
and daily start with one
change a month. But do start.
It makes sense
that we will feel better with less toxins in our food sources. We already
know that processed foods
cause depression, mania, heart
disease, high blood pressure live and kidney problems.
So what dead
food can
you give up today and
substitute with a live food?